Exploring Influential Factors in iOS App Development

Mobile app development in both Android and iOS have seen a steep rise in the past decade, thanks to the comfort of holding the world in mobile phones. iOS has the biggest user base in the US and several European countries. An iOS app development company must remain on par with the software updates offered by Apple.

Apple is known for being ahead of time and the current COVID – 19 pandemic is proof to that. The iOS 13.6 update has come with health update options that let people navigate through the current crisis. As a mobile app development company, one should understand the level of competition in the market as there are about 1.96 million apps for users to choose from.

From using the latest technology to keeping themselves updated on the market changes, iOS app development companies should take iOS as more than a mere platform. It is to stay relevant and sought after. Be it Android app development or iOS app development, there are some factors that play a major role in influencing its reach and impact in the market space.

Explore our blog, The Benefits of Custom Mobile App Development for Your Business .

What eases the job of an iOS app developer?

While developing iOS apps can be challenging and complex,  there are several factors to consider that can greatly ease the job of an iOS app developer. By leveraging the right tools, technologies, and practices, developers can streamline the development process, enhance productivity, and deliver high-quality apps to users, providing them with the best experience.

  1. Emulators

Emulators assist in running the app on a PC or laptop. Both mobile apps and web apps are being launched simultaneously by companies to ensure better user experience and access. This is a boon as duplicating mobile technology into computers is done at no extra cost and thus, it also allows developers to detect unexpected behavior while testing.

iOS emulators are easier and faster to use, thereby assisting the developers to efficiently develop the app quicker. Some of the top iOS emulators include Appetize.io, Ripple, TestFlight, iPadian, iOS simulator in Xcode. These are technologies used in testing before the app is launched to the users.

2. Tools and development support

Apple is known for providing developers with better tools and development support. Any developer needs proper assistance from the parent platform. As they go through various steps like documentation, debugging, backend services, design tools and revision control, such support takes the quality to a whole new level.

Each of these steps has different tools to operate. Some of the best include Jazzy, Dash, SwiftDoc.org, iOS console, Firebase, Dribbble, Helios, etc. Apple was initially intended for smaller devices and the mobile apps that used languages C and C++. As the market needs changed, it has come a long way in adapting to the expectations of users and updating their development support accordingly.

3. Swift for coding

Coding pretty much defines an app development process. iOS app developers choose Swift for coding widely owing to minimum coding efforts with high quality output. It is a wonderful communicating medium between the coder and the system. It has protocol extensions making the process of writing generic code easier.

Ever since Swift 5 was introduced, it offers binary compatibility. The Swift libraries are carried forward to all the current and future OS. This significantly reduces the size of the app and the launch time. Another prime reason for choosing Swift is that it is one of the safest and the most secure syntax available. Any code copied cannot be modified elsewhere and remains safe with Swift.

4. Low fragmentation

Fragmentation is dividing the process into smaller fragments for various reasons. This allows equipping the users with functions that may not be originally available in the OS. This service is seen predominantly in Android due to the countless number of devices using various versions of Android.

Apple, on the other hand, has hardly 20+ devices in operation. As new models are released, they also discontinue some of the old models. This allows developers to test the app way ahead of time and be quickly ready for launch. While Apple rolls out OS updates uniformly for all devices, Android must check compatibility for the different versions. Android takes 1.5 times longer than iOS due to this.

5. Better ROI

iOS is said to gain 85% more ROI than Android. However, the cost of app development remains similar in both. If a company is looking to gain the most of short-term generation of returns, iOS is the better choice.

From a business perspective, iOS has enhanced value and increases the chance of reach, as it has 45% greater chance of revenue generation than Android.

Future of iOS app development

The future of iOS app development in 2023 holds immense potential for exciting trends and advancements.  As technology continues to progress, several ongoing trends are set to make lasting impact.

  1. Reactive Programming with Combine: This approach centralizes the event-processing code, eventually getting rid of nested closures and convention-based call backs. It enables developers to create more responsive and efficient apps.
  2. Enhanced Security and Privacy: With recent reports on data breaching and security concerns, a key iOS trend will focus on security and privacy. Apple has introduced ASWebAuthenticationSession that coordinates the site data and cookies for signing in.
  3. Apple HomeKit Advancements: It allows developers to find accessories that are compatible with HomeKit automation, resulting in more security. This will be added to the cross-device home configuration database, in which the data can be displayed and edited. Apple HomeKit is expected to experience significant growth in 2023.

These are just a glimpse of what the future hold for iOS development. There are many other updates that are soon to be the top trends in the app development market.

Read our previous blog, Mobile App Development Process: Step-by-Step Guide for 2023